To manage the implementation of the recommendations included in the Immersive Climate Assessment report, we have formed a Diversity Steering Committee. Members include:
Erica Childs, Director of Equity, Justice, Community, and Engagement (clerk)
Ken Aldridge, Head of School
Melissa Brown, Director of Admissions
Tina DiSabatino, Assistant Director of Development
Aminah Finney, Lower School Learning Coordinator
Eddie Gallagher, Assistant Head of School for Academics
Logan Goodwin, MS Dean of Student Life
Jon Huxtable, Head of MS
Danielle Litterelle, MS/US Counselor
Chris Loeffler, Head of LS
Patrick McKinley, LS Teacher, LS Diversity Committee Clerk
J.R Neiswender, Head of US
Peter Tinaglia, US Mathematics, US Diversity Committee Clerk
Additionally, the lower school, middle school, and upper school each have their own diversity committee or task force to oversee DEI initiatives in each division.