On the dates below, school is closed unless otherwise noted. Please note: there may be division-specific closings (such as conference days) that are not noted on this list.
Opening Day of School | Tuesday, September 3
Fall Break School dismissed at close of day | Thursday, October 10
*In-Service Day | Friday, October 11
School resumes | Tuesday, October 15
Homecoming 2024 Events (school is in session)
Friday-Saturday | October 25-26
Thanksgiving Holidays School dismissed at close of day | Tuesday, November 26
School resumes | Monday, December 2
Winter Vacation School dismissed at close of day | Friday, December 20
School resumes | Monday, January 6
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | Monday, January 20
Mid-Winter Break School dismissed at close of day | Thursday, February 13
School resumes | Tuesday, February 18
Spring Vacation School dismissed at close of day | Thursday, March 13
*In Service Day | Monday, March 24School resumes | Tuesday, March 25
Good Friday | Friday, April 18
Mid-Spring Break | Monday, May 12
Memorial Day | Monday, May 26
Commencement | Saturday, May 31
Last Day of School (PS-11th grade) | Friday, June 6